[1] Tokimatsu, K., Kuwayama, S., Tamura, S., and Miyadera, Y.:Vs Determination from Steady State Rayleigh Wave Method, 土質工学会論文報告集, 1991, 2, Vol.31, No.2, pp.153­163.

[2] 時松孝次,田村修次:高次モードと回転軌跡を考慮したレーリー波分散曲線の逆解析, 日本建築学会構造系論文報告集, 1992, 2, No.432, pp.97-103.

[3] Tokimatsu, K., Tamura, S., and Kojima, H. : Effects of Multiple Modes on Rayleigh Wave Dispersion Characteristics, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 1992, 10, Vol.118, No.10, pp.1529­1543
[4] 時松孝次,仲條有二,田村修次:短周期微動の水平鉛直振幅比と地盤特性の関係, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 1994, 3, No.457, pp.11-18.

[5] 時松孝次,田村修次:3次元多層地盤における地表面鉛直点加振の応答変位に対するレイリー波と実体波の寄与,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 1995, 10, No.476, pp.95-101.

[6] 時松孝次,田村修次:3次元多層地盤における地表面水平点加振の応答変位に対する表面波と実体波の寄与,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 1996, 3, No.481, pp.47-54.

[7] 田村修次,時松孝次:3次元多層地盤における地中鉛直点加振の応答変位に対するレイリー波と実体波の寄与,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 1997, 3, No.493, pp.49-55.

[8] Tamura, S., Tokimatsu, K., Abe, A. and Sato, M.:Effects of Air Bubbles on B-value and P-wave Velocity of a Partly Saturated Sand, Soils and Foundations, Japan Geotechnical Society, 2002, 2. Vol.42, No.1, pp.121-129.

[9] 田村修次,時松孝次,宮崎政信,八幡夏恵子,土屋富男:大型せん断土槽を用いた液状化実験における基礎根入れ部に加わる土圧,日本建築学会構造系論文集,2002, 4, No.554, pp.95-100.

[10] 田村修次,時松孝次,内田明彦,船原英樹,阿部秋男:大型せん断土槽を用いた液状化実験における基礎根入れ部に加わる土圧合力と構造物慣性力の関係,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2002, 9, No.559, pp.129-134.

[11] 時松孝次,田村修次,宮崎政信,吉澤睦博:大型せん断土槽を用いた液状化実験における基礎根入れ部に加わる土圧合力の評価,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2003, 8, No.570 , pp.101-106.

[12] 田村修次,小林健一:杭頭加振実験に基づく液状化過程における杭の水平地盤反力のメカニズム,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2004, 3, No.577 , pp.55-61.

[13] Tamura, S. and Tokimatsu, K. : Seismic earth pressure acting on embedded footing based on large-scale shaking table tests, Geotechnical Special Publication, No. 145, ASCE, 2005, pp.83-96.

[14] 田村修次,夘山直樹:波の到来方向に基づく宅地における局所的軟弱地盤位置の同定,日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2006, 2, No.600 , pp.69-74.

[15] 柏尚稔,倉田高志,林康裕,田村修次,吹田啓一郎:大振幅水平載荷実験による群杭効果の振幅依存性, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2007, 4, No.614 , pp.53-60.

[16] 倉田高志,柏尚稔,林康裕,田村修次,吹田啓一郎:大振幅水平載荷実験による群杭・地盤系の非線形挙動, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2007, 4, No.614 , pp.45-52.

[17] Tamura, S., Imayoshi, T. and Sakamoto T: Earth pressure and sidewall friction acting on an embedded footing in dry sand based on centrifuge tests, Soils and Foundations, Japan Geotechnical Society , Vol. 47, No. 4, 2007. 8, pp.811-819.

[18] 田村修次:遠心載荷実験における基礎の根入れ効果が杭頭水平力に及ぼす影響と液状化層厚-上部構造物慣性力と土圧合力・側面摩擦力の位相差-, 日本建築学会構造系論文集, 2008, 3, No.625, pp.409-415.

[19] 田村修次,肥田剛典:大型せん断土槽を用いた液状化実験におけるRC杭の破壊が構造物挙動に及ぼす影響,日本建築学会構造系論文集, Vol. 74, No. 635, pp. 91-96, 2009. 1

[20] 田村修次,樋口康仁,足立圭佑,林康裕,山崎雅弘:遠心載荷実験における残置杭が新規杭の鉛直支持力に及ぼす影響 -新規杭の表面が滑らかなケースと粗いケースの比較-,日本建築学会構造系論文集, Vol. 74, No. 645, pp. 2039-2044, 2009. 11

Ⅱ. 会議論文

[1] 時松孝次,内田明彦,田村修次:木造家屋の震害とレーリー波探査によって得られた地盤構造との関係, 第8回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集,1990, 12, Vol.1, pp.49-54.

[2] Tokimatsu, K., Midorikawa, S., Tamura, S., Kuwayama, S., and Abe, A. : Preliminary Report on the Geotechnical Aspects of the Philippine Earthquake of July 16, 1990, Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthq. Engrg. and Soil Dynamics, 1991, 3, Vol.2, pp.1693­1700.

[3] Tokimatsu, K., Kuwayama, S., and Tamura, S.: Liquefaction Potential Evaluation Based on Rayleigh Wave Investigation and Its Comparison with Field Behavior, Proc., 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthq. Engrg. and Soil Dynamics, 1991, 3, Vol.1, pp.357­364.

[4] Tokimatsu, K., Kuwayama, S., Abe, A., Nomura., S., and Tamura, S.: Considerations to Damage Patterns in the Marina District During the Loma Prieta Earthquake Based on Rayleigh Wave Investigation, Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthq. Engrg. and Soil Dynamics, 1991, 3, Vol.2, pp.1649­1654.

[5] Tokimatsu, K., Suzuki, Y., and Tamura, S.: Preliminary Report on the Geotechnical Aspects of the Hokkaido­Nansei­Oki Earthquake of July 12, 1993, Special Volume, 13th Int. Conf. on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engrg., 1994, 1, pp.75­86.

[6] Tamura, S.: Comparison of Body and Rayleigh Wave Displacements Generated by a Vertical Point Force on a Layered Elastic Medium, Proc., of 11th World Conf. on Earthq. Engrg. 1996, 6.

[7] 吉澤睦博,土屋富男,福田秀樹,田村修次,船原英樹,八幡夏恵子:RC杭の大型せん断土槽実験による液状化地盤の地盤反力係数, 第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 1998,11, Vol.1, pp.43-48.

[8] 田村修次,香川崇章,藤井俊二,鈴木康嗣,土屋富男,内田明彦,阿部秋男:大型せん断土槽を用いた液状化地盤におけるRC杭基礎の破壊実験, 第10回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 1998, 11, Vol.2, pp.1917-1922.

[9] Tamura, S., Suzuki Y., Tsuchiya T., Fujii S. and Kagawa T.: Dynamic Response and Failure Mechanisms of a Pile Foundation During Soil Liquefaction by Shaking Table Test with a Large-Scale Laminar Shear Box, Proc., of 12th World Conf. on Earthq. Engrg. 2000, 1 , Reference No. 903. 

[10] Funahara, H., Fujii, S. and Tamura, S.: Numerical Simulation of Pile Failure in Liquefied Soil Observed in Large-Scale Shaking Table Test, Proc., of 12th World Conf. on Earthq. Engrg. 2000, 1 , Reference No. 927.

[11] Yasuda, S., Ishihara, K., Morimoto, I., Orense, R., Ikeda, M. and Tamura, S.: Large-Scale Shaking Table Tests on Pile Foundations in Liquefied Ground, Proc., of 12th World Conf. on Earthq. Engrg. 2000, 1 , Reference No. 1474.

[12] 田村修次,阿部秋男:P波を用いた地盤の飽和度計測法の開発, 第1回構造物の破壊過程解明に基づく地震防災性向上に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土木学会,2000, 3, pp.249-254.

[13] Tanaka, Y., Tamura, S., Kuruma, A and Asada T. : Behavior of Pipeline with Special Joint Designed for Leakproof against Earthquake, Proc. 12th IWA-ASPAC Regional Conference, pp.421-427, 2000, 11.

[14] Tamura, S., Miyazaki, M., Fujii, S. Tsuchiya, T. and Tokimatsu, K.: Earth Pressure Acting on Embedded Footing during Soil Liquefaction by Large-scale Shaking Table Test, Proc., 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 2001. 3, Paper No. 6. 19.

[15] Yahata, K., Suzuki, Y., Funahara, H., Yoshizawa, M., Tamura, S. and Tokimatsu, K.: Pile Response Characteristics of Liquefied Soil Layers in Shaking Table Tests of a Large Scale Laminar Shear Box, Proc., 4th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, 2001. 3, Paper No. 6. 34.

[16] 佐藤正義,阿部秋男,水野二十一,田村修次:液状化土槽実験における飽和度評価のためのP波測定と液状化時の地盤変位測定,第2回構造物の破壊過程解明に基づく地震防災性向上に関するシンポジウム論文集, 土木学会,2001, 3, pp.89-94.

[17] 田村修次,足立星児,藤原慶子:1847年善光寺地震における家屋被害と微動から推定される地盤特性,第11回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2002, pp.419-424.

[18] 田村修次,小林健一:大型せん断土槽を用いた杭頭加振実験による杭の水平地盤反力の評価,第11回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2002, pp.1229-1234.

[19] 八幡夏恵子,鈴木康嗣,宮田章,田村修次:液状化地盤-杭支持構造物の杭応力に対する慣性力の影響(大型せん断土槽を用いた振動台実験),第11回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2002, pp.1213-1216.

[20] Tamura, S. : Contribution of viscous force to horizontal subgrade reaction during soil liquefaction on pile top vibration test, , Proc., of 13th World Conf. on Earthq. Engrg. 2004, 8 , Reference No. 2908.

[21] 田村修次:液状化地盤において基礎部に作用する地震時土圧,日本建築学会構造部門(基礎構造)パネルディスカッション資料 地震時土圧をどう考えるか,pp.73-85, 2004.

[22] Tamura, S. and Tokimatsu, K. : Effects of lateral response of embedded footing on piles, Third International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2006. 2.

[23] 今吉毅、田村修次、坂本忠,初山将克: 遠心実験における基礎部の根入れが杭応力に与える影響-乾燥砂実験と飽和砂実験の比較-, 第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2006, Ref. No. 142.

[24] 田村修次、片山寛和: 1847年善光寺地震における被害と地名の関係, 第12回日本地震工学シンポジウム論文集, 2006, Ref. No. 55.

[25] 田村修次:基礎部に作用する地震時土圧と側面摩擦力が杭応力に及ぼす影響,第8回構造物と地盤の動的相互作用シンポジウム, pp.21-28, 2006. 12.

[26] Tamura, S., Imayoshi, T. and Sakamoto, T. : Effects of seismic earth pressure and sidewall friction on pile stress during soil liquefaction, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Paper No. 1702, 2007. 7

[27] Kashiwa, H., Kurata, T., Shoji, M., Hayashi, Y., Suita, K. and Tamura, S. : Nonlinear behavior of pile group in dry sand based on lateral cyclic loading tests with large displacement amplitude, 4th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering, Paper No. 1721, 2007. 7

[28] Tamura, S., Maeda, N., Sakamoto, T. and Hida, T. : Effects of lateral response of embedded footing on pile stress during soil liquefaction, 5th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, 2008. 3., pp.335-340.

[29] Tamura, S., Sakamoto, T., Hida, T. and Maeda N. : Mechanism of Earth Pressure and Sidewall Friction Acting on an Embedded Footing in Dry Sand Based on Centrifuge Testing, 14th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Paper ID 04-01-0076, 2008. 10

[30] 肥田剛典, 田村修次, RC杭の破壊が余震時における杭の振動性状と構造物の固有周期に及ぼす影響, 構造工学論文集, Vol.55B, pp.639-643, 2009. 3

[31] Tamura, S., Adachi, K., Sakamoto, T., Higuchi Y. Hayashi, Y.: Effects of existing piles on lateral resistance of new piles based on centrifuge tests, 6th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, pp.519-523, 2009. 3.

[32] Tamura, S., Sakamoto, T., Hida, T. and Maeda N. : Evaluation of seismic earth pressure and wall friction acting on embedded footing based on centrifuge test, Proceeding of the international conference on performance-based design in earthquake geotechnical engineering (IS-Tokyo2009), pp.517-521, 2009. 6.

[33] 内田 明彦、田村 修次、大島 快仁、藤森健史、船原英樹 :軟弱地盤における杭基礎の水平抵抗に関する動的遠心載荷実験とブラインドテスト, 日本建築学会技術報告集, 15(31), pp.713-718, 2009.10.

[34] Tamura, S., Adachi, K., Tokimatsu, K. : Effects of roughness of shallow foundation surface on superstructure response during a strong earthquake, 7th International Conference on Urban Earthquake Engineering, CUEE, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Paper No. 02-307, 2010. 3.

[35] Tamura, S., Adachi, K., Tokimatsu, K. : Centrifuge tests and simple analyses for seismic soil-structure interaction, 5th International Conference on Recent Advances in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering and Soil Dynamics, Paper No. 5.30a, 2010. 5(採用決定)

